Thrill & Kill: When the BASKIN trailer came out, it seemed that it attracted attention worldwide almost instantly. Did you expect that?
Can Evrenol: Once XYZ and Toronto loved the film, it was like hitting the lottery for us. The hype escalated pretty quickly after that, understandably, since we have a great poster, and a very cool trailer.
Thrill & Kill: BASKIN is not the average horror movie and part of this is its Turkish origin. You are Turkish yourself, obviously. Did you even realize that you put certain elements in your film, which are different than American films? Or did this happen by “accident”?
Can Evrenol: The idea was to create these macho, funny, immature and realistic a-la-Turca characters and atmosphere, and crash it into a wall of Twilight Zone and Grand Guignol.
Thrill & Kill: Most of the main characters in the film are cops, but some of them apparently don’t respect the law themselves. Is this some kind of criticism of the Turkish police?
Can Evrenol: We wanted to portray them realistically, true to the image of cops over here. Not bad guys or good guys. Just some loose cannons with the badge and little education. Some are more mature than others.
Thrill & Kill: When I watched BASKIN I liked the unique character but there were also some elements that reminded me of older British or American films. What were your influences for BASKIN and also for yourself as a director?
Can Evrenol: All the films I love I guess. Argento, Lynch, Carpenter, Hooper, Fulci, Kubrick, Polanski, Paul Anderson, Peter Weir, Winding Refn are the first to come to mind. I consider myself a big horror buff, but I’m almost equally in love with arthouse and world festival cinema. Nuri Bilge Ceylan has been a big inspiration for me.
Thrill & Kill: When I took a look on, I realized that there are many Turkish horror movies that were created in the last 2 or 3 years and only few before. Do you have an explanation for this? Is there a wave of Turkish horror on its way?
Can Evrenol: I will respectfully pass this question. If you want to watch recent great Turkish films, go for Ivy, Frenzy, or Three Monkeys. They are not horror. They are very slow. But they have great dark atmosphere, and huge heart.
Thrill & Kill: What will you do next? More horror?
Can Evrenol: Yes please.
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